Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mark this day on the calendar!

This is a red letter day...why you ask...because it is the 8th day of October and we finally had enough ripe and partial ripe ripe tomatoes to make 1 1/2 bushels!!!
Now most of you know we've been expecting these babies for a long time! When we pulled up to go down the drive to the garden we saw Daddy
on the gator just ahead of us!
We had a short visit with Daddy last week so I was excited to see his smiling face this morning! He was excited because Louie picked him some tomatoes and turnips. He said the tomatoes were for lunch and the turnips were for supper! He filled us in on his adventure making apple sauce. He said that my sister made apple dumplings over the weekend. But he saved his biggest news for last...his refrigerator broke again and this time he bought a new one! Oh happy days! I am so glad that Daddy bought a new one. His motto is "bent not broken" and he can fix just about anything and if he can't fix it he recycles it because everything has a use. Waste not want not. So...for him to buy something new is a big deal! He decided to take his check book to pay for his purchase and he told me he was sorry he messed up 2 checks then my sister wrote the 3rd and he signed it. The first check he made out to Sears because Momma & Daddy use to buy their appliances at Sears which is fine but he was in Best Buys at the time so...void #1. Then he put the wrong date on the check and they wouldn't take it so...void # 2. Thank goodness my sister was with him to write the 3rd one. I could care less about the voids and told him not to worry about it. I'm just so happy he bought something that he needed! I'm proud of you Daddy!
It was wonderful being at the garden. I believe I've told y'all a time or two how it is my "Happy Place". Even feeling sick and tired doesn't seem as bad when I'm there. While there I have a peaceful, happy heart and as I was counting my many blessings...I heard Louie say we are blessed. After Louie & I finished harvesting our veggies we went to Daddy's and there he was true to his word...peeling his tomato for lunch! We had another wonderful visit. Funny how doing something that is no big thing can mean so very much and make your heart sing...for me it was watching my amazing guys have lunch and laugh at each others stories! I love seeing the light in their eyes when they laugh. All too soon it was time to head for home to take care of our veggies. We'll be having a pot of greens, turnips, squash fried with bacon all fresh from the garden and some kind of meat for Louie!
In a few days time our tomatoes will be ripe and we'll be doing tomato sauce & goulash! Hope y'all are enjoying this wonderful Fall!
Sending Warm Hugs!