Friday, July 26, 2013

The Great War of the Noodles!!!

It was a beautiful warm July day and Sarah had been waiting and waiting all day long to get in the swimming pool! After lunch Sarah asked if she could go swimming...Please Gammy she pleaded with that look on her face that I first saw years ago on Louie, then on Wendy, who I must say gave "the look" with perfection and now Sarah has picked it up. I didn't want her to see me laugh so I answered go ask your Granddad, knowing full well he wouldn't be able to resist "the look". The best way I can describe it is... the mouth has almost a pout to it and the eyes are like a puppy dog's. Then when you say yes the pout becomes the biggest smile ever and the eyes light up & sparkle! Wendy used "the look" on me for years until she hit thirty and I told her don't give me "the look" it won't work any more use it on Bill (her husband). I'm not sure if "the look" started with Louie's Mom or not but I saw her use it on C.R. many times and it always seemed to work.

Any how back to the story at hand...Sarah had her swimsuit on before you could say Jack Robin and I heard... I'm ready for my sunscreen Gammy. I chuckled as I thought...I'm ready for my close up...I gave Sarah a kiss on her cheek for no other reason than... just because. We covered her in sunscreen and she was off to the pool. Now the pleading started again...Granddad will you get in the pool...P-L-E-A-S-E!!! Grandad says after I drink my coffee. So Sarah swims and soon as Louie takes the last sip of coffee she pounces...Granddad now will you swim with me??? So Louie gets his swimsuit on and into the pool he goes.'s where the fun begins. The water guns come out and the laughter is abundant the next thing I know they are bopping each other with the noodles. I ask what in the world are you two doing??? Sarah says as innocent as can be we're having the Great War of the Noodles Gammy as she lands one right on Louie's head. So...the battle begins again!
 It al started when Sarah collected all of the noodles...

 then she splashed Louie with all of the noodles.
One splash led to another...
The next thing I heard was Sarah saying...Oh it's on now Granddad!

and the rest is was one for the record books!

Sending Warm Hugs


  1. I am so impressed with the movie. How'd you do it? Looks like so much fun!

  2. What a perfect day for making happy memories! I love to see what your family is up to!
