Monday, July 29, 2013

We're getting there...

This morning as we head to the garden...Louie has a plan in mind...he'll rake the hills and I'll plant more squash & cucumber seeds to replace the ones the turkeys ate. Poor old Monty can't seem to keep all of those pesky turkeys away! How do we know it's turkeys you ask??? Well they're polite enough to leave their calling cards behind! Their feathers are everywhere! A few of the last ones we planted have sprouted. The ground is so very dry.

Next Louie plans to side dress the 1st row of green beans (which is really about the 3rd row we've planted but the first row to amount to anything) while I weed. Sounds doable to me! This is a nice cool morning and there is a breeze. It is so peaceful here.


Just a few blooms on the green beans...hope it rains soon...we've had rain all around us but not a drop here!

Oh Boy we have a small Egg Plant! Grow Baby Grow!

I've said it before and I'll say it again this has not been our year for the garden but...we're getting there folks! July 28th and we've got us a green tomato!!! Hot Diggity Dog! Sooner or later I'm gonna have me a tomato sammy!
 At long last we seem to have gotten the weeds under control! That is till the next visit to the garden. Pulling weeds is a never ending job at the garden!
I'm so thankful to have a smaller garden this year!

 Poor Monty looks as hot and dry as the ground. Did I mention how much we need some rain?

 Hey hey hey we have 3 small green peppers!

Well this should answer the age old question...How does your garden grow! That's all for now folks. Hope y'all enjoyed taking a look at our garden. Till next time...

Sending Warm Hugs!

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